
Friday, May 17, 2013

3D Dots

Hello all!

Wonder when the last time blogged was? I thought I would mix it up a bit and put everything on the left! XD 

Anywayz, I saw this cool mani on @slacquerr on instagram and tried it out for myself! 

She called them 3D Dots so I shall just go with it! XD 

It looks nice yeah? Feel like experimenting with it a little.

Hopefully it turns out well! ^^

If any of you want to paint this, it's really simple!

1. Paint a base colour of your choice.

2. Use your dotting tool to make blacks dots.

3. Use the same size dotting tool to dot white onto the black dots at an angle, leaving a little of the black dot visible. (This creates a 3D effect)

4. Finally, top it off with a top coat of your choosing! (I like Seche Vite FYI) 

And that's how you do it! 

Hope you guys will have fun with this mani as I did! 


P/S: I really like how this post came out...I might stick to this format! XD 

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