Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween 2012

Elo everyone! XD 

So I'm currently in Sydney for a week for a short holiday before flying back to Malaysia for the summer! XD And before the holiday I had to stop painting me nails cause I ran out of Mavala nail polish remover!! D8 I can see the shock in your eyes! I tried getting a temporary substitute a.k.a Cutex and it was the WORST decision of my LIFE!! I felt like I lost a day of my life each time I used it >< 

In the end, couldn't paint my nails for 3 weeks! D8 The shock!! and it's been doing bad things to my nails and cuticles!! BAD THINGS I TELL YOU!! Hell why am I telling you when I can show you?!

Horrible isn't it >< Nail broke and cuticles are dry like mad TT

Since I won't be able to paint the nail design I planned for Halloween in time for it so I thought I might as well post up some of the mini Halloween designs that I've already done XD If you want to get instant updates on nail designs and the deteriorating condition of my nails then follow my instagram at @chronosz but I have to warn you that there's more than nails in my instagram XD

 Without further a do!!!


Bloody drip nails

Star of david mani

So these are the two manis that I kinda painted for Halloween XD Hope you guys like it XD 
